Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Tell Her

Causing emotions and nostalgia for a place I've never been .....

Several years ago (2017) while on a ritualistic music search and buying trek to Everyday Records in Beaverton, Oregon, where I would always flip through these mini-crates of $.50-$1 priced compact discs, I came across this compilation disc of Vermont musicians from 2014. Just the kind of thing I love to discover. As the Vinyl Community folks like to say: "In the wild."

Imagine Vermont, crossing 3000 miles of rivers and mountains and suddenly in Oregon!! 

Home later, I popped it into the disc changer and was stunned by the lyrical power and beauty of the opening song on the disc. 'Tell Her' by Lisa Piccirillo. Years later and I still can't go for long without hearing it. 

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Pretzel Logic

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