Tuesday, July 25, 2023

A Slice of the South

Oxford American magazine put(s) out an annual music issue and would include compilation discs of various artists and songs with a southern related theme. 

Twenty-six songs on this sampler. Some gems within. Some of the more noteworthy offerings .... your opinion may vary ..... 'Little Bit of Rain' by Fred Neil, 'Killing Him' from Amy LaVere, and a cover of the old Tim Hardin classic, 'If I Were a Carpenter' by Eldridge Holmes. 

I'll also mention, 'G-Man Hoover' by Van Dyle Parks. It took years but I appreciate Van Dyke Parks now. 

..... and I still have at least half the songs on this collection, to listen to for the first time. More gems to discover.

All these various Oxford American compilations are well worth picking up .... if you can find them. Last time I looked they were pretty expensive. I have three on compact disc and would like to gather the entire collection. These to me, would qualify for, as the vinyl community folks like to say: "Holy Grails."

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Pretzel Logic

  Found a nice copy of this record a few days ago in the local used bookstore ..... Yes, bookstore. They've started dealing in used viny...