Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Record Collecting 101 (Continued)

I keep thinking, "why don't I just buy everything remotely interesting? Vinyl recordings are a record of events right? They're history right?"

Everything has value!!

Of course those thoughts always enter my mind when I'm not actually standing in the aisles of the record store, looking at the price tags and worrying about the funding of my retirement days ahead.

And then I have this thing that when making a decision to purchase, I want every track on the record to be something I'll instantly love. No waiting for it to grow on me over time.

And as things currently stand, I most likely have more vinyl than 99.8% of the general population. So why do I crave more? I'm relatively positive that it's not just some freaky hoarding fetish.

But I do constantly feel the pull and temptation to add to the collection. It's my drug, my addiction. Where nearly every unknown title encountered is a temptation where I feel the need to find something unusual or something new. Or something to fill out my collection of a particular musician. or maybe it's just the artwork on the record cover luring me in.

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Pretzel Logic

  Found a nice copy of this record a few days ago in the local used bookstore ..... Yes, bookstore. They've started dealing in used viny...