Monday, June 20, 2016

Late For The Sky

"How long have I been dreaming? ...."

Late For the Sky ….. From 1974. A masterpiece!!! Freshman year in college. Finding my way. Feeling lost in this sudden new environment. Not sure of the memory but I recall walking from the OSU campus to Everybody’s Records in downtown Corvallis when it first came out. What’s still perfectly clear is that I played it daily back then. Often two or three times. The lyrics to each song became engraved inside. I can still recite them probably 95% accurately. Likely wore out my original vinyl copy. The new songs had such a unique feel ….. even for a Jackson Browne record. The two songs that were my least favorite back then (not that I disliked any of them), are my favorites from the record today.

For many years, I said that I wanted “For a Dancer” played at my funeral. I don’t think much about such things nowadays but I wouldn’t object (even if I could somehow) if it was played.

The record paralleled my first experience with heartbreak and the girl moving away.

"Don't know why I'm happy, I've got no reason to feel this good ...."

Walking back to the dorm from class one afternoon and on the sidewalk I could hear the record being played by the guy who lived across the hall from me. And being played loudly!! The song, “Walking Slow” as I recall. Taking a giant leap for a shy 18 year old, I knocked on his door and told him that I also had the record. He invited me in. Introduced me to his record collection and stereo system. If envy is a sin, then I sinned heavily that day.

Forty-plus years in time tends to muddle memories but I can still recall so clearly, the visual images and emotions associated with this record when it was new. Teenage yearning and chills. Contemplating each word of the record review in Rolling Stone magazine. So much emotion inside that I still can’t express. Anyone wanting to know what’s beneath my admittedly gruff and sometimes unwelcoming exterior should listen to the record daily, You might see me a little differently. Listen from start to finish, until you “get it.” Don’t skip a single song. Each is vital listening. While you should also read any available record reviews, it’s OK to assign your own emotions and personal meanings to the lyrics. I certainly did!!

"Just do the steps that you've been shown, by everyone you've ever known ...."

Late For The Sky is not my favorite Jackson Browne album but it is the one that had the greatest affect on my world!!

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