Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Little Feat Playlist

 A Little Feat playlist dedicated to my old friend Mitch. I'd often walk into the office we shared at work and most likely would hear him playing either, Frank Zappa, John Mayall or Little Feat. Rest In peace Mitch.

I could tell a thousand stories, not all G-rated. My favorite memory of Mitch is the time I had purchased an old 78 record player but had no records to play on it. A few days later, there was a knock on my door. It was Mitch with a literal armful of old 78's that had belonged to his parents. There must have been 40-50 records. Most scratched and unplayable but a few gems within. I still have the keepers. Thanks, Mitch. 😀

  • Front Page News .... I much prefer the version in this video over some of the slower versions out there.
  • Fat Man in the Bathtub ..... A friend of mine once told me that after I introduced this song to her, she would drive around in her pickup with her young son in tow and they would sing this song together. 
  • Heaven Forsaken .... Mitch much preferred the Lowell George years of the Feat and he refused to listen to the post-Lowell recordings. Not me though. 
  • Loved and Lied To
  • Borderline Blues
  • Rock and Roll Doctor
  • 20 Million Things / Two Trains ..... From Lowell George's solo album, 'Thanks, I'll Eat It Here.'
  • Easy to Slip
  • Truck Stop Girl .... We worked in the cold storage industry and dealt with a lot of long haul truck drivers over the years, so I like to think that this song is our anthem. 

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Pretzel Logic

  Found a nice copy of this record a few days ago in the local used bookstore ..... Yes, bookstore. They've started dealing in used viny...