Saturday, April 8, 2023

Saturday Evening iTunes Playlist

Just scrolling looking through my iTunes library, choosing this and that. No particular theme or goal in mind.

  • Ola Podrida - Run Off the Road ..... A band from Austin, Texas. Heard this song somewhere and downloaded it. Don't know anything else about their music. 
  • Other Lives - For 12 ..... Another tune heard somewhere, enjoyed, and purchased the single. 
And now for something completely different ......
  • Oliver Schroer - The Tears of Mary / The Light of Day / Field of Stars ..... Violinist. This is not what I think of as classical, and it doesn't resemble jazz in any way. But it is beautiful. 
  • Rachel Portman - Ask the River / Still Here ..... Solo piano, then eventually a violin joins in. I recall hearing an interview and song samples, a few years ago on NPR. I think some, or maybe all of this music was a score for a film. Also, neither classical or jazz. Reflective and contemplative though.
And just as suddenly again, something going in a completely different direction ..... 
  • Rare Monk - Warning Pulse ..... It says "alternative" for the genre. It has a little of what I call, "that late Saturday night, faraway guitar vibe" that I like so much.
  • Red House Painters - San Geronimo / Shadows
Is it obvious that I'm browsing (and stuck in) the O and R sections of my iTunes library? So I guess that's the theme of this playlist. 
  • Rogue Wave - Publish My Love
  • Ry Cooder - Straight Street

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