Thursday, January 19, 2023

Remembering David Crosby

The news today of David Crosby passing away. In remembrance, the first song I play tonight will be 'The Lee Shore.'
I was introduced to this song as a teenager, often walking down the street and around the corner for a game of basketball at a friend's house and usually finding my way indoors to hang out with his older brother and his record collection. 

There's been a longtime debate between the voices in my head over which version I prefer ..... the live version that I was initially introduced to from the CSNY, 4-Way Street' album or the studio version? Both are equally beautiful and powerful. 

Other Crosby songs being listened to tonight .....
  • Triad - Also first heard on 4-Way Street. 
  • Almost Cut My Hair - Always reminds me of teenage years and my dad nagging me to get a haircut.
  • Carry Me - About hospital visits with his mom who was dying from cancer.
  • Shadow Captain - It had seemed at the time, like an eternity between CSN albums, but this song, the first on their 1977 self-titled record, was a signal that they were back. This record, which is very much underrated, has become my favorite CSN, CSNY or any other of the solo or duo recordings.
  • River Rise
  • The Perro Sessions - A bootleg recording that I stumbled across a few years ago on YouTube. Crosby with Jerry Garcia and the Grateful Dead. Beautiful stuff that I keep returning to. I don't know it's history. It needs some sort of official release. Maybe it has been?
This hits a little harder than other recent celebrity passings which I generally shrug off. I grew up listening to Crosby. I followed his career and listened to his music in younger times into the present. His songs were vital to me in those younger days. Many of the songs stay with me today. His voice helped to define and enhance my world at a time when I was still trying to figure things out.

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Pretzel Logic

  Found a nice copy of this record a few days ago in the local used bookstore ..... Yes, bookstore. They've started dealing in used viny...