Thursday, December 8, 2022

Vinyl Finds - Day Two

Stayed in town today for a couple additional vinyl finds. During the flipping through the bins process, the owners informed me that from now on, I was going to receive a 10% discount. I'll call that, my "senior moment" for the day. What I found .....

Kai Winding - 'Trombones' A 1972 reissue of an original 1961 release. On Impulse Records. Known for quality jazz.

I was viewing a store video on Facebook of recent vinyl acquisitions and spotted this. I've become a seeker specifically of trumpet and trombone recordings over the past year and Kai Winding has been on my radar for years. I've always remembered his name from reading it many years ago in a Jackson Browne interview with Rolling Stone Magazine ..... where he was mentioned as someone that his father either actually played music with or played the records of around home. Having just said that, I sure hope my memory is correct but accurate or not, Kai Winding is a name I have remembered for years, and I've slowly been adding his albums to my collection whenever I come across one. I stressed a bit on this one after reading a posted comment of another viewer who said he would be at the store in the morning at 7am ..... they don't open until 11am, so I was concerned that he was pulling connections and had his eyes set on the same record.

Jazz Crusaders - 'Stretchin' Out' A 1964 release on Pacific Jazz Records. 

I love recordings from smaller, less known labels that still strive to put together a quality looking package. From the front cover photo and presentation to the liner notes on the back side. It usually means that the music within is also quality stuff. 

This find was a result of flipping through bins of used records with nothing specific in mind. I had a 'feeling' about this one. 

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