Saturday, July 9, 2022

Weekend Playlist

A playlist that feels like it fits the vibes of this late Saturday Night. Tunes with no common theme, as is often my style, to tell totally unrelated stories to. Hopefully all remembered accurately. Compiled while struggling with multiple yawns and watery eyes.

  • The Appleseed Cast - Blind Man's Arrow
  • The Bats - Horizon .... When I was a teenager, on nights like this, we'd jump in a car and drive up and down a local strip in town known as "the gut" .... trying to look as cool as we could muster for girls. If you weren't driving up and down it, you were parked along the route watching others. All the teens from all the high schools were there. Along with the 20-something, wanna-be teens and a few 30-somethings.
  • The Bats - Bells .... "The gut" was a Friday and Saturday night event and tradition for at least three decades of teenagers. Maybe longer. It once moved to another location, due to neighborhood protests, but soon found its way back to the original spot. I don't recall how it ended but it eventually faded away. 
  • Benjamin Oar - Stay The Night .... Of course, whichever friend had the coolest car would be the chosen mode of transportation. You sure didn't want to be seen driving your dads station wagon, defeating the purpose of looking cool. Anyone attempting such foolishness would be flying solo for that night.
  • Joe Jackson - Steppin' Out ..... One time, we engaged in a game of chase with a car full of girls. They finally stopped and talked to us for a bit, inviting us to a party. We arrived at the address that was given to find a dark, empty house. 
  • Level 42 - Leaving Me Now .... How did this morph into a playlist from the 80's?
  • Big Star - In the Street .... I'm reminded of a high school story. I didn't witness this, but the story quickly became legend. A bus returning to town on a Friday night from a football game on the road and one of the guys sitting in the back of the bus, mooned a random car on I-5. He was called into the principal's office the following Monday morning. It turned out that he had mooned the vice principal's wife.
  • Big Star - When My Baby's Beside Me ..... Funny the things that come to mind when the flashbacks start. I wore a walking cast for two weeks when I was seventeen, after badly spraining my ankle. The afternoon that the cast was removed, I found myself a few hours later, in my driveway, playing one on one hoops with a friend. We would play those games to a hundred points back then and he beat me and my atrophied lower leg by something like 100-24. 
  • Shotgun and Jaybird - Secret .... I don't know if there's a morale to that story. Maybe not to gloat too much about your wins in life over immobile, less capable opponents.  
  • Spoon - Everything Hits at Once .... As a teen, I had this ugly stocking cap that I wore everywhere. I even attempted wearing it to mass one day resulting in it being snatched from my head by one of my former nuns. It disappeared one day. A few days, maybe a week later, I received a letter in the mail. Inside was a ransom note and a photograph of my stocking cap tied to a chair. 

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Pretzel Logic

  Found a nice copy of this record a few days ago in the local used bookstore ..... Yes, bookstore. They've started dealing in used viny...