Monday, May 9, 2022

Post Doctors Office Anti-Blues Playlist

 Just a Monday evening, survived the trip to the doctor's office and will rest easy tonight, playlist ....

  • Neil Young - Old Man & Heart of Gold .... Thinking back to the years and the excitement felt when these songs were new. It's so mind blowing knowing that half a century has passed since I first heard them. And they still stand out for me.
  • America - A Horse With No Name .... People make fun of this song saying that the lyrics make no sense. But sometimes it's just the feeling that remains from those days and all the memories of friends and places that one cherishes. Being young and surviving. Smiling with someone you went to school with at the thought of those days you have in common. Yeah can you believe that was us and here we are fifty years later. I can not adequately explain but I can still feel the vibes.
  • Van Morrison - Saint Dominic's Preview .... I didn't really get into Van Morrison's music until I saw him on Saturday Nite Live playing his song, Wavelength. So there already existed this huge catalogue of music to become smitten with. 
  • Van Morrison - Cleaning Windows ..... Then my ex-wife, who wasn't an ex at the time, came along and this became our song.
  • Bruce Springsteen - Brilliant Disguise .... Fast forward several years, no longer married, and I made a mix-tape for a college girl who I worked with, of Springsteen songs. Upon handing it to her she commented: "Oh, old man music." My official notice that I wasn't young anymore. The cold words hit hard. I had steadfastly refused to believe it before that moment.
  • Peter Gabriel - Games Without Frontiers .... An example of what you don't give a second thought to initially, you later become obsessed with.
  • Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers - Breakdown .... I seem to recall a time when Tom Petty first was heard on the radio, that he was thought of for a few seconds or in a few corners of the universe as New Wave or even borderline, Punk. One had to be there to know.

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Pretzel Logic

  Found a nice copy of this record a few days ago in the local used bookstore ..... Yes, bookstore. They've started dealing in used viny...