Sunday, April 4, 2021

Jon Mark

 Jon Mark - 'Songs For a Friend'

From 1975, on original vinyl.

An oldie in my collection. I didn't know much about Mark-Almond at the time that I first heard this and I sure didn't know that Jon Mark was the 'Mark' part of that duo. 

Just discovered while posting this entry that Jon Mark passed away less than two months ago. 

It's been quite a long time since I last listened. I recall listening almost daily for a period of time after buying this. 'Songs For a Friend'  is about as mellow as music gets. Piano driven, singer/songwriter ballads, but not what was usual for recordings of that genre and period. It quite often feels sad and dramatic and ends in a wash of strings and 'spoken word' verse/poetry. There's a sense from the song order and flow alone, that he just lost his best friend. Upon listening, one may feel the need to shed a tear.

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Pretzel Logic

  Found a nice copy of this record a few days ago in the local used bookstore ..... Yes, bookstore. They've started dealing in used viny...