Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Gil Scott-Heron

'Secrets' by Gil Scott-Heron and Brian Jackson.

Many years ago, I heard the Gil Scott-Heron protest song, 'We Almost Lost Detroit' on the 'No Nukes' compilation. Purchased this record as a further exploration into his music.

Racial injustice protests from the late 1970's.

Sunday, June 28, 2020

The Folk Implosion

'Dare to be Surprised' by The Folk Implosion.

Not exactly folky.

Indie Rock minimalism. Basically two guys sounding as if they are playing great songs in their garage. Found three vinyl 45's recently in my record store resulting in ordering this album on compact disc. It arrived in my mailbox and went straight to the cd player!! And still waiting on the highly anticipated  arrival of another.

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Afternoon OPB Playlist

A rare early afternoon session with OPB Music. Usually reserved for late nights.

Sudden sad news yesterday that my local record store is closing. No indication beforehand that it was being considered, even as I spoke to one of the owners the day before about sisters (mine) and fathers (hers). It says '#retirement' on the store's facebook page but I can't help but wonder if the sight of too many people in the store with limited floor space during this covid crap has something to do with it? I know that it caused me to feel uncomfortable and exit much sooner than I usually would have. I actually wondered at the time if they were feeling uncomfortable as well? If they saw closing the store as the only option for staying safe and healthy?
  • The Strokes - The Adults Are Talking
  • The Beths - Dying to Believe
  • Post Animal - Special Moment
  • The Cure - Lovesong ..... A classic from the 1980's.
  • Leon Bridges - Sweeter
  • The Velvet Underground - Femme Fatale
  • Elbow - White Noise White Heat ..... I hear something in this that reminds me of Peter Gabriel.
  • Andrew Bird - A Nervous Tic Motion of the Head to the Left
  • Margaret Glaspy - Devotion
  • Pinegrove - Phase
  • Doves - Winter Hill *****
  • Mondo Cozmo -  Upside Down
  • Soccer Mommy - Lucy
  • Christian Lee Hutson - Get the Old Band Back Together ..... First time I've ever heard the words in song: "You know I can still kick all your asses."
  • The Airborne Toxic Event - Hollywood Park

Friday, June 19, 2020

Another OPB Radio Playlist

Late night, in and out of the room, tuned in to OPB Music Radio, playlist .....
  • Hanni El Khatib - ALIVE
  • Caribou - Home
  • The Clash - Spanish Bombs ..... Their 'London Calling' album continues to be one of the holes in my vinyl collection. Can't ever find it at a price I am willing to pay. 
  • Car Seat Headrest - Can't Cool Me Down
  • The Pixies - All Over the World
  • Cloud Control - Scar ..... The highlight of the listening session.
  • Andrew Bird - Fake Palindromes ..... What's a palindrome?
  • Brownish Black - Dance Fever ..... Reminding of the disco dance competition television show from the 1980's.
  • Phosphene - Cocoon

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Terry Riley

'Lisbon Concert' by Terry Riley. Improvisational piano. Jazz or Classical, I'm not sure.

I wouldn't compare it to Keith Jarrett's, 'Koln Concert' but there's moments that bring those sounds to mind. Certainly not the minimalism that Terry Riley usually engages in.

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Walking Proof

'Walking Proof' by Lilly Hiatt. Just recently released.

I've been a huge fan of her father, John Hiatt, for  .... Well since the late 1980's. upon discovering his, 'Bring the Family' album. Apparently great songwriting runs in the family.

Just stumbled upon this during my first actual record store visit since early March. It's only been out a couple months. Hard to believe that someone already turned this in to be placed in the used, 'new arrivals' compact disc crates.

And now I have her three previous albums to check out.

Been finding several examples lately of 'Just when you think there's no more new music to discover ...... '

Friday, June 12, 2020

May 1977 Late Night Jazz

Because I came across an empty cassette case that I had labeled: 'Steve Kuhn ..... Side One ..... album "Motility"  ..... And dated the recording to tape, 5-11-77. It was from a Portland, OR radio station late night broadcast program, called 'Light's Out.' Anyway, the tape is missing so this is what came up when I entered 'Steve Kuhn - Motility" in a youtube search.

There are several other items on this tape. It was just a younger me, recording from radio broadcasts of this program over several nights. There's some Chick Corea, 'The Hilltop', Keith Jarrett from his 'Facing You'  album. Also some Gary Burton from his 'Passengers' album, some title less John Abercrombie, plus music from a 'State of Siege' soundtrack .... and more.

Good chance that this was my introduction to Jazz.

Monday, June 8, 2020

Buffalo Tom Again

'Quiet and Peace' by Buffalo Tom. From 2018.

Favorite song .... 'Freckles'. The album ends with a rockier cover version of the Simon & Garfunkel song, 'The Only Living Boy In New York.'

Great Indie Rock band and more great cover art!! One that I wish I had on vinyl.

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Sunday Evening Playlist

Sunday night listening to OPB Music Radio, hoping to discover something new.

  • Houndstooth - No News From Home
  • Michael Nau - Hoops ..... OK so now I'm thinking about basketball, even if that's not what the song is about.
  • Woods - Where Do You Go When You Dream? ..... Seems like frightening places more often than pleasant places.
  • Phantogram - Into Happiness
  • The Black Keys - Gold on the Ceiling
  • Deer Tick - Mange ..... 'Mange'? I'm going to attempt to use that on the word game I play online.
  • Stephen Malkmus - Shadowbanned
  • Laura Marling - The Muse
  • Ages and Ages - No Nostalgia ..... That's always been one of my biggest problems .... Way too much nostalgia. For everything that's passed it seems.
  • Arcade Fire - The Suburbs
  • Weyes Blood - Something to Believe
  • The National - Bloodbuzz, Ohio

The Bats

I've been viewing a ton of videos on YouTube of people showing off their vinyl record collections. It was there that I was introduced just a few days ago to The Bats ….
The album, 'Daddy's Highway' ….. Just received in the mail. On vinyl. I love the colors used in the cover art!! From 1987. The Bats were from New Zealand. This is their first full length album. I've seen it called Indie Rock and Power Pop. Just an enjoyable listen!!

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

20 Miles

'I'm a Lucky Guy' by 20 Miles.

If it's on Fat Possum Records, you can pretty much assume it will be good!!!

Judah Bauer from Jon Spencer Blues Explosion on guitar with his brother on drums. Minimalist Rock tunes. I was surprised to notice that it's from 1998. I thought it was much more recent.

Monday, June 1, 2020

CSNY 1974

In case there's people who never knew their early 1970's classic songs, CSNY is David Crosby, Stephen Stills, Graham Nash and Neil Young.

Attempts in 1973 to record a new album to follow-up two highly successful records had fallen apart. A stadium tour was organized for the Summer of 1974 .... an attempt to test out new material with hopes leading to recording a new album following.
The new album never happened. CSNY splintered further afterwards and went in different directions in solo and duo efforts. At the time it seemed like a decade passed before CSN (without Young) got back together in 1977 to release a new record.

Six years ago, a box set from that tour was released. This is my first listen to the first disc in the set. Powerful harmonizing is what stands out.

Pretzel Logic

  Found a nice copy of this record a few days ago in the local used bookstore ..... Yes, bookstore. They've started dealing in used viny...