From 1983 as I recall. 'Synchronicity' by The Police. Difficult to believe that it's now almost forty years later. The rare three member band.
I've always wished that I was one of the voices in the background on 'King of Pain' singing ...... "That's my soul up there."
I was never much a fan of The Police until this record came along. And then they broke up shortly later.
Their sound mixed pieces of Rock, New Wave and Reggae and also originally Punk.
I recall a college girl that I worked with for a short time and who I was attempting to impress by mentioning that I was a fan of the band, informing me that she hated their song from a previous record, 'Roxanne.'
From starting out listening to my parents records to staying up late at night listening to the radio to being introduced to album collecting as a teenager to making mix-tapes and into the present, it seems that I've always been searching for and listening to music of widely varied genres. Here's an idea of what I've been hearing along the way ....
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Pretzel Logic
Found a nice copy of this record a few days ago in the local used bookstore ..... Yes, bookstore. They've started dealing in used viny...

Culture on display in Salem, Oregon!!! In the middle of an empty lot in town. One story that I've heard is that there once was a used ...
On the turntable. From 2010. 'Stars Have Shapes' by Exploding Star Orchestra. Avante-Garde jazz. A group led by trumpeter, Rob Mazu...
Solo piano on vinyl. Not really Jazz or Classical and far from Pop These types of recordings were sometimes called New Age for no good re...
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