Monday, September 24, 2018

Radio Thoughts

I appreciate this OPB music nightly stream. New sounds for my ears.
  • Laura Gibson - Empire Builder
  • Menomema - BOTE ….. Portland band. Or did the DJ say Poland?
Sure do hear some of the different directions that music has been going that otherwise I'd be oblivious to. Most of what I know is from 1968-2000. I've been out of the loop on many of the newer sounds.
  • Phantastic Ferniture - Gap Year
  • Sugar - If I Can't Change Your Mind ….**** A jangly guitars pop song.
KINK-fm, the Portland station that I used to listen to has lost my interest in recent years. Too much hipster Portland crap. They overdo this "Keep Portland Weird" angle while the DJ's attempt to sound politically correct and 30-something cool. And they play way too much of the sugary or weepy contemporary adult genre that makes me want to scream, pull my remaining hair out and break things.
  • Frank Turner - Get Better
  • The Beths - Future Me Hates Me
  • The Dodos - Forum
I can listen to the Jazz station but only in small doses …. unless it's a documentary program.
  • The Buzzcocks - Something's Gone Wrong Again
  • Mark Kozelek - Like Rats
  • Gillian Welch - Revelator
  • Babehoven - Out of This Country
  • Caroline Rose - More of the Same
Occasionally I listen to the local AM station (KBZY) that I broke in listening to late at night mostly as a twelve year old, on a small transistor radio, while everyone else in the house was sleeping, over fifty years ago. They still play a lot of those same great songs but mix in the worst of the 70's.
  • Typhoon - Artificial Light
  • Yo La Tengo - For You Too

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Pretzel Logic

  Found a nice copy of this record a few days ago in the local used bookstore ..... Yes, bookstore. They've started dealing in used viny...