Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Jason Molina

I've become fascinated lately by the music given to us by Jason Molina. Either under his own name or via the groups, "Magnolia Electric Co." and "Songs: Ohia." Just recently discovered and then thrilled to find a huge catalog of recordings to seek out.

I love it when that happens!!

Though I've never seen anything in record stores I frequent. Like I've said before …. the physical records and compact discs are preferred but there's also a place for iTunes and downloads.

He passed away in 2013 but was extremely prolific in his years releasing music. How do I describe his sound? Americana? Indie Folk-Rock? Singer/Songwriter? All of the above perhaps? There's one album that has an obvious Neil Young/Crazy Horse influence!! I mean that in a good way. Doesn't seem to have ever been an issue with writer's block. I can't help but wonder what may have been created had there been another ten or twenty years?

This darkly melodic and brooding stuff is what I love!! How is it that I was never exposed to this music years ago?

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Pretzel Logic

  Found a nice copy of this record a few days ago in the local used bookstore ..... Yes, bookstore. They've started dealing in used viny...