Friday, November 13, 2015

Ever Continuing Random Playlist Insanity

Just another mindless Friday evening playlist with the iPod on shuffle play. Wishing that ya'll could plug in to my headphones and listen in with me .....

  • Paul Westerberg - Once Around the Weekend .... The title seems appropriate for a late Friday evening.
  • R.E.M. - Imitation of Life .... Remember those early R.E.M. records where you couldn't understand Michael Stipe's lyrics? You literally couldn't make out the words that he was singing. Just remembering.
  • Pierce Pettis - Farewell .... A great time when it seemed that all these new singer/songwriters were emerging all at once. Pierce Pettis, Ellis Paul, Richard Shindell, Bill Morrissey, John Gorka, Lucy Kaplansky and others. I'm sure they'd been around a few years by then, attempting to make it big, but they all suddenly popped up on my radar around the same time. Late 1980's-early 1990's.
  • David Saw - Some Love
  • Jupiter One - Flaming Arrow
  • Julie Moffit - Let Him Be
  • Bruce Cockburn - Love Loves You Too .... When I first heard Bruce Cockburn's music in the mid-1970's, even though he was played frequently on my local FM radio station, his records being imports, were difficult to find. Those first two or three records were real treasures when initially found. Still are actually!! 
  • Carole King - So Far Away ..... Brings back a torrent of memories and actual feelings of youth. Just that sound and its association with those years in my concious.
  • Sonny Landreth - Levee Town .... It's like I just died and went to slide guitar heaven!!
  • Ellis Paul - Looking For My Friends
  • Otis Spann - Worried Life Blues
  • Uncle Tupelo - True to Life .... I had to discover Son Volt and Jay Farrar before finding my way to Uncle Tupelo.
  • The Band - Atlantic City .... Singing along and loving The Band's accordion and harmonies sound.
  • Bruce Cockburn - See You Tomorrow 
  • The Mammals - Plank Road .... A good old-timey sounding, banjo and fiddle playing, hand clapping, foot stompin' tune (and time). 
  • The Freddy Jones Band - This Time Around

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Pretzel Logic

  Found a nice copy of this record a few days ago in the local used bookstore ..... Yes, bookstore. They've started dealing in used viny...