Saturday, September 5, 2015

Friday Night Playlist

Celebrating two actual days away from work with an iPod playlist. Scrolling through many songs, stopping on some for a moment, playing a few seconds and quickly moving on. These are the ones where I chose to stay and listen a little longer.
  • The Outsiders - Time Won't Let Me .... Flashing back to the 60's. It's cliche but it almost seems like yesterday. Staying up late at night, listening to the radio. 
  • The Ozark Mountain Daredevils - If You Want to Get to Heaven .... Flashing back to the 70's. Playing a little air harmonica!
  • Pat Metheny Group - Slip Away
  • Patty Griffin - Tony .... Powerful message about teen suicide. Causes me to wonder who I may have crossed paths with in the past who may have been silently struggling with suicidal thoughts and if unknowingly did or said anything that contributed in any small way to a decision made that either helped or worsened with what the person might have been struggling with?
  • Pierce Pettis - Envelopes of Light .... "When he's down so dark, she mails him little envelopes of light."
  • R.E.M. - The Outsiders & All The Way to Reno
  • Seals & Crofts - Summer Breeze .... Amazing the faces that flash by when playing something from your teenage years and for a few nostalgic and heartaching moments, you are 18 again. And I've probably forgotten more than I'll ever remember about those years. It would be nice if for just a few hours a year, you could go back.
  • Steve Noonan - Leaning Back and Laughing .... Either Steve Noonan reminds me of Phil Ochs or vice versa. 
  • Teddy Thompson - I Should Get Up
  • Terry Tufts - Dirty Little War


Pretzel Logic

  Found a nice copy of this record a few days ago in the local used bookstore ..... Yes, bookstore. They've started dealing in used viny...