Monday, January 19, 2015

Flashbacks To Home Taping Days

In my younger days, I used to record cassette tapes from radio programming. Here's one of my first efforts from 38 years ago. Taken from Portland's KINK-fm radio, "Lights Out" program, which would broadcast after 11pm on weeknights. Mostly material here from ECM Record Label recordings. Music to wind down to at the end of the day. Music for contemplation.

They used to produce regular Rain and Ocean sets as well ..... Music put to the background sounds of ocean waves or falling rain.

This was the result of turning on my tape recorder and letting it record. I would also record specific programming onto a Pioneer reel-to-reel tape recorder then go through the tape and transfer the keepers onto cassette. I still have these theme specific tapes tucked away in shoeboxes in a closet .... Celtic, Folk, Rock, Contemporary Jazz, Oldies, etc ...  I also have dozens of Mix Tapes stored away. Primarily material from the 1970's and early 1980's. It's difficult to part with these tapes. Even if I never find time to listen to most again. There's tremendous sentimental value and memories with each.


  1. You ain't the only one...we did radio-taping of a Motown weekend @ KFOG to help pad our wedding dance mixtapes!


  2. Going to have to take a day sometime and go through my shoeboxes of mix-tapes and radio programming. I know that there's some King Biscuit Flower Hours in there somewhere.

    1. I spent a summer digitizing some old cassettes as they do disintegrate --- you'll have to retire or take vacation?


    2. Sounds like a justifiable reason for early retirement. Thanks for putting the thought in my head!!

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.


Pretzel Logic

  Found a nice copy of this record a few days ago in the local used bookstore ..... Yes, bookstore. They've started dealing in used viny...