Monday, February 22, 2021

Jazz Conversation

A short conversation with a fellow old guy in the narrow aisle of the record store. He apparently recognized this record I had chosen and asked if I was a Jazz fan? He told me that he had ordered a Julie London record. Just moments before, I had been listening to female Jazz vocalists from the 1950's on the car radio. He said that he was buying as much vinyl as he could right now. That he was retiring soon and was afraid he wouldn't be able to afford the habit at that point. I told him that was one of my great fears as well. In fact, it's one of my top five reasons why I have not seriously considered the thought of retirement yet.,

Record stores are great places for striking up conversations with random strangers. And these days, for us oldsters, a greater sense of the people and community around us is needed. 

Picked up three records: 1) Bill Berry's L.A. Big Band - 'Hello Rev' .... 2) Stan Kenton and His Orchestra - 'Live at Humbolt State College' .... and 3) Duke Ellington and His Orchestra - 'Such Sweet Thunder.'

Friday, February 12, 2021

AM Radio

Listening to the local AM-radio, oldies station that I grew up listening to as a young teen in the late 1960's ...... In the days before I discovered FM-radio. It was a top forty station back then. If you heard a song that you really liked, you'd just have to wait an hour or two and there was a good chance you would hear it again. Of course it worked like that for the songs you didn't care for also. Hence my distaste at the time for the song, 'In the Year 2525' by Zagar & Evans.' 

I've since made my peace with old emotions and can tolerate that song if it comes on the radio these days.

The station has survived and kept the same four letter ID all this time. But now it's an oldies station with no rhyme or reason to their playlist order. They might play 'Hotel California' by The Eagles and follow it up with that 'Louie, Louie' song from the 1950's or early 60's or whenever the hell it was from. I don't call that 'easy listening' ..... More like 'difficult listening.'

  • Neil Diamond - Shilo
  • Norman Greenbaum - Spirit In the Sky
  • Eric Burdon & The Animals - Sky Pilot
  • Tony Joe White - Polk Salad Annie
  • Main Title from the movie, 'The Good, The Bad and The Ugly'

Sunday, February 7, 2021

The Danger of Alina Simone

Alina Simone - 'Make Your Own Danger'

Found a new method to discover new music!! .... The need for an updated prescription of one's vision. I saw an album cover that looked interesting. I thought it said Alina Simone, which I entered in a online search.. I listened to a few short samples and ordered two albums. The first to arrive at my front door was the record that I originally spotted ..... It was Nina Simone!! I've heard of Nina Simone but don't know her music. It was followed two or three days later by the Alina Simone record. 

Never mind that the two album covers appeared to be from greatly different time periods, 1959 and 2011, and are of vastly different styles. I was under the impression that I was acquiring two Alina Simones and instead received Nina and Alina!! Glad it all worked out!! Sometimes there's benefits and rewards in poor vision.

Make Your Own Danger Review

Monday, February 1, 2021


Roedelius - 'Tape Archive Essence 1973-1978'

Electronic sounds, which I've been making a concerted effort to gain a greater appreciation of. I wouldn't have given this much attention even a year ago. Late night listening. When you're ready to close your eyes and clear your mind. Definite mood music.

And I love the cover art!!

Pretzel Logic

  Found a nice copy of this record a few days ago in the local used bookstore ..... Yes, bookstore. They've started dealing in used viny...