Sunday, January 17, 2021

David Poe

A self-titled album from David Poe. From 1997.

The record store owner asked me if I was familiar with the musician .... "Well no, I'm just taking a wild chance." (Certainly not a first for me.) "I'll tell you what" he said, "I'll take two dollars off the price and if you don't like it you can bring it back. I don't like for anyone to be stuck with music that they don't like."

I guess I won't have to take him up on that offer because I like it!! Quite a bit. I was initially drawn in by the artwork on the back of the album. Another hint was that it's produced by T Bone Burnett. The songs don't always go in the direction that I'm anticipating but that's certainly not a criticism. 

If you have expectations or hopes of being rocked out, well perhaps you've come to the wrong place.

A few found, written words about this album: ".... in this record that is at times exuberant but more often hushed .... '

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Four Tet

 Four Tet - 'Parellel'

I don't own this. Never even heard of it before tonight. It just popped up on Youtube. Totally spacey, ambient and repetitive and I'm enjoying the hell out of it while sitting here at my desk listening to the wind and rain.

Doesn't look like it's available for purchase on vinyl or compact disc, though I shall research further. May have to do the files thing. 

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Little Bit of Rain

Feeling highly disappointed in the antique store today where my former local record store has a spot. I saw on Facebook where they had added some albums to the bins and I was on a search for a specific record that I had spotted in the post. 

And it wasn't there!!! Damnit, someone beat me to it!! Then I thought, maybe I should look under 'N' for his last name ..... and there it was!!!

Geez!! How long have I been collecting records? Why am I making rookie mistakes? I should have a masters degree by now in record collecting.

Fred Neil - 'Little Bit of Rain.' From 1970 on vinyl.

Fred Neil wrote the classic song, 'Everybody's Talkin'.' which I first heard as a teenager on an old Neil Diamond record. 

Everybody's Talkin' is not on this record but there's two sides of other great songs!!

The title song, 'Little Bit of Rain' is the highlight.

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

The New OK

 Drive-By Truckers - 'The New OK'

I read that the DVT's were on a break from a tour promoting the release of their previous album, 'The Unraveling,' when the world suddenly became crazy with covid lockdowns. So they put together a new album in response. 

I've come to despise this term: "Our new reality" but I'm good with: 'The New OK'

Sunday, January 3, 2021

1972 Playlist

Had a particular year come to mind. A playlist of what I might have been listening to on any given day in 1972. .... That's if I can recall. It was only forty-nine years ago.

  • Jackson Browne - Rock Me On the Water
  • Neil Young - Needle and the Damage Done
  • Poco - I Can See Everything
  • Gordon Lightfoot - Second Cup of Coffee .... People overlook what a great songwriter he was.
  • Carole King - Come Down Easy
  • It's A Beautiful Day - White Bird .... One of the first songs I think of when I think back to discovering fm-radio in the late 60's/early 70's. Only a few stations at the tile but one was playing this.
  • Cat Stevens - But I Might Die Tonight
  • Dan Fogelburg - To the Morning
  • Arlo Guthrie - Lightning Bar Blues .... Bought the album for 'City of New Orleans' but quickly was taken by this song.
  • Cheech & Chong - Let's Make a Dope Deal .... Just a tiny bit of comedy thrown in between the lines. As I recall, first heard at a friends house while hoping not to have to explain our laughter to his parents.
  • Crosby & Nash - Immigration Man .... A little bummed when CSN and CSNY broke up but this proved that any two members of that collective, could also make great music.
  • The Eagles - Train Leaves Here This Morning
  • Pure Prairie League - Amie
  • Rick Roberts - Jenny's Blues
  • War - The Cisco Kid

Saturday, January 2, 2021

New York Scene

 Various Artists - 'The New York Scene In the 40's - From Be-Bop to Cool'

On vinyl. Found while digging through bins. A Jazz compilation and history. Two of my favorite subjects. 

Number 27 in the 'Do You Like Jazz' series. Implies there are others to search for. 


 Duke Ellington's, 'Masterpieces.'

Just looking through the collection and having difficulty believing how many Ellingtons and Count Basie recordings I have. I've never sought them out, just taking them home when I come across one.

Must have been fun following them in the 1940's and 50's. Knowing that something new was always around the corner. None of this waiting two or three years between releasing new recordings.

Pretzel Logic

  Found a nice copy of this record a few days ago in the local used bookstore ..... Yes, bookstore. They've started dealing in used viny...