Sunday, April 26, 2020


'Hermit of Mink Hollow' by Todd Rundgren.

I was a lukewarm fan in the 1970's. I enjoyed a few of his songs, the hits heard on the radio, but knew little else about him. My college roommate though was fanatical and would play this record several times a week. It was later in life that I started digging a little deeper.

In recent years the song, 'I Saw the Light' (not on this record) has become a go-to tune, maybe even a desert island song list choice of mine. I've come to love all Todd's classic tunes from my teenage and college years. It's not like they can be forgotten!! And I'd bet that my old college roommate is still digging out his vinyl for an occasional spin. I'll have to ask him.

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Damien Jurado

Damien Jurado's 1999 album, 'Rehearsals For Departure.' Singer-songwriter from Seattle. On the Sub Pop record label which seems to produce many interesting Indie Rock recordings. One of those smaller labels trusted for quality sounds.

Favorite songs ..... 'Honey Baby' and 'Letters & Drawings.'

All Music Guide Review

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Big Daddy Wilson

Picked this up this past summer just because I thought it looked interesting and a possible undiscovered gem. It's been waiting for a listen ever since ..... until today that is. Big Daddy Wilson is Wilson Blount. How to describe it? Well it's comparable to the music of Keb Mo. Given that is, that people know who Keb Mo is.

And I was correct in imagining that it's a hidden and unknown gem. At least to my ears.

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Just Another Saturday Evening Playlist

If you have to be stuck at home during these stay-at-home times …. Well then a Saturday evening playlist could be just what one needs. No theme tonight other than where my mind and ears take me.
  • Pearl Jam - Thumbing My Way ….. Heard tonight on Aussie, Three D Radio hosted by my Jackson Browne fan group friend, Jude and her husband, Rodney.
  • Radio Moscow - Stinging ….. They're actually from Iowa. Also heard on Three D Radio.
  • Avishai Cohen & Big Vicious - Teardrop ..... Sidetracked by new Jazz sounds. First heard this yesterday. Avishai Cohen is a trumpet player. Exploring alternate directions.
  • Quiet Hollers - Almost Was Good Enough ..... From a Jason Molina tribute album titled 'Sing It Brother, One More Time.'  I think I've mentioned about seventy-five times now how huge a Jason Molina fan I am. 
  • Jonatha Brooke - Annie ..... Her voice transports me to another late night a decade or two ago. Funny how the speed of time passing by messes up your perception of how long ago specific memories took place. Also funny how the smallest things can occasionally remain with you forever.
  • Jonatha Brooke - At the Still Point ..... Sometimes you need a second helping!!!
  • Big Daddy Wilson - Ain't Got No Money 
  • Anders Osborne - Traveling With Friends

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Friday Night Playlist (For Elle)

Friday night, and a mostly 'singer/songwriters', playlist. Because what else is there to do when you're under a shelter-at-home suggestion/directive? …..
  • Eliza Gilkyson - Beauty Way
  • Gary Louris - True Blue ….. One of the voices, until leaving of The Jayhawks.
  • Ry Cooder - Straight Street
  • Gene Clark - On Her Own
  • Willard Grant Conspiracy - Good Morning Wadlow
  • John Prine - Come Back To Us Barbara Lewis Hare Krishna Beauregard …. From his 'Common Sense' album, which was my introduction to John Prine's music, which I purchased several centuries ago because Jackson Browne was singing background vocals on a song or two, totally unaware of what I was about to discover. R.I.P. John Prine.
  • Peter Himmelman - 245th Peace Song
  • Yonder Mountain String Band - Take A Chance On Me ..... Because I needed a bit of a mandolin fix at this moment in time.
  • Kathryn Claire - Never Be ..... "There was just me, There was just you."
  • Peter Gabriel - The Veil ….. I think this is a reason for album releases. Great song but for some reason when standing by itself as a single it tends to fade from memory over time when not part of a greater work that gets repeated listens.
  • The Gourds - Lower 48 ….. Because apparently I needed a little Zydeco vibe in my evening as well.
  • Pops Staples - The Lady's Letter

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Songs: Ohia

Self titled album which is basically the late Jason Molina. He recorded under this name and Magnolia Electric Co. Possibly Indie Rock, Alternative Country, Singer Songwriter is my best effort at a description. Terrifically prolific songwriter who recorded in the late 1990's into the 2000's. There are times when you can detect a definite Neil Young influence.

If you're new to his music you'll find a treasure chest of music to discover

Intelligent lyrics and essential listening!!!

All Music Guide Review

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Gabor Szabo

Jazz from 1968. 'Dreams' by Hungarian Jazz guitarist Gabor Szabo.

Doesn't sound like anything that I've ever associated with the 1960's.

All Music Guide Review

Just Another Late Night Online Radio Listening Playlist

  • Shearwater - The Snow Leopard
  • Dum Dum Girls - Too True To Be Good
  • Deerhunter - Plains
I can always count on being exposed to bands and music that are new to me. These late night listening sessions are quite possibly my main source of discovering new sounds these days. 
  • Summer Cannibals - Not Your Turn
  • Eyelids - The Accidental Falls
  • Spoon - Black Like Me ..... There's a few seconds of piano that remind me of Martha My Dear by The Beatles. Not sure if anyone else would hear it.
  • The Afghan Whigs - Algiers ..... One of those bands whose name I've seen around for years but have no idea what they sound like ..... until now that is. This has a slight early to mid 1980's, U2 feel to my ears. Further investigation required.
  • Wajatta - Don't Let Get You Down
  • The Raveonettes - Aly, Walk With Me
  • King Tuff - Keep On Movin'
Prior to this listening session, I was making up a online grocery list but quit in frustration as every pickup date for the next week was apparently taken. I guess they don't want my money. 
  • MAITA - Kid Anymore
  • Fontaines D.C. - Boys In The Better Land
  • Broken Social Scene - 7/4 (Shoreline) ..... Another familiar name and no previous idea of their sound. I think I saw a recording or two just this morning while looking at the Third Man Records page. Again, more investigation needed.
  • Bright Eyes - Persona Non Grata
  • Feist - I Feel It All ..... "I know more than I knew before." *****

Monday, April 6, 2020

Music Fest Northwest

Various musicians and bands playing at Portland's Music Fest Northwest in September of 2009.

One of those compilation discs that you come across while searching through boxes and boxes of used discs in your local record store. You see two or three bands listed that you've heard of and have some level of interest in and take a chance on the rest. Generally for fifty cents or a dollar.

In this case there's Portland Cello Project, Frightened Rabbit, Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros, Portugal the Man and Blind Pilot among those involved.  The only disappointing aspect is it appears that only one of the twenty-one songs is live. The word, "fest" generally gives the impression of live music.

Cool cover artwork though!! It's in cardboard gatefold packaging with more artwork inside.

Favorite songs are 'We Sing In Time' by The Lonely Forest and 'Poke' by Frightened Rabbit, which is the solo live recording.

New Pearl Jam

'Gigaton' by Pearl Jam.

New Pearl Jam just released a week ago. (it's about time!!) The compact disc arrived in the mail this weekend and this is my initial listen. (We have time for such things these days.) I want another listen or two before giving an opinion on it besides that I love it. of course Eddie Vedder has one of the great voices of alltime so that will likely prejudice any thoughts that I have.

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Judy Garland

It wasn't all that long ago when I would have never listened to Judy Garland. I would have never given it a chance. But with age came an interest in the music from the decades before I was born.

Big Band sounds from the late 1930's and 40's. This now is history to me ..... as much as any book I own. I want to hear these sounds that my parents most likely danced and sang along to. Bonus points for being on vinyl.

I don't recall purchasing this but I obviously did. Looking through the collection and there it was.

Several Shades of Why

An evening of vinyl records. 'Several Shades of Why' by J Mascis. I don't know much about his band, Dinosaur Jr other than seeing the word 'punk' used to describe them. This is much more of a Singer/Songwriter effort with acoustic guitar dominating. Beautiful melodies make up this record.

Great cover artwork also!! It certainly calls out to you to investigate what sounds await inside.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

OPB Playlist

Stay at home order in effect and being followed. Time for another OPB Playlist ….
  • Marika Hackman - Blow
  • Phoebe Bridgers - Motion Sickness
  • Sam Phillips - Don't Do Anything ….. Love when an musician/band pops up on OPB's playlist who I can claim to be a longtime fan of.
  • Rilo Kiley - Portions For Foxes ..... It's looking a little like it's a female artist spotlight type of night. Not that there's anything wrong with that. 
  • Eyelids - The Minutes
  • Andrew Bird - Fallorun
  • Patti Smith - Dancing Barefoot ….. I should know this and am embarrassed to even ask here, even as I know no one will likely read this page but is this a cover version? Seems like I know this song by another musician. 
  • Sandy) Alex G - Hope
  • The Antlers - Hotel
  • Dirty Projectors - Overlord
  • Jose Gonzalez - This Is How We Walk on the Moon
A quick search and the discovery that 'Dancing Barefoot' is an early U2 song. No wonder it sounded so familiar. A B-side that appeared years later as a bonus track and one of the reasons that I loved the concept of bonus tracks on compact discs. But why didn't I just recognize it without the research? 
  • Jonathan Something - Unfortunately Blue
  • Lomelda - Interstate Vision
  • Sharon Van Etten - One Day
  • Alela Diane - Moves Us Blind ..... Nothing quite like being up at 2:00am, sipping orange juice,  listening to internet radio and discovering new sounds. I never know when to stop, always telling myself: "Just one more."
  • Black Belt Eagle Scout - My Heart Dreams *****
  • Y La Bamba - November ***** ..... Was thinking: Who does this tune remind me of? Oh Yeah, The Sundays!!
  • Houndstooth - No News From Home

Foxes In the Snow

 Up late listening to the just released Jason Isbell album, 'Foxes In the Snow.' Stripped down solo album. Just his voice, acoustic ...