Monday, April 22, 2019

Past 24 Hours

Just a few things that I've listened to in the past twenty-four hours ..... Andrew Bird - "My Finest Work Yet", Neko Case, k.d. lang & Laura Veirs - "Case / Lang / Veirs" and Beth Gibbons and the Polish National Radio Symphony Orchestra - "Henryk Gorecki: Symphony No. 3"

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Old Dude's Playlist

The playlist of an unidentified old dude, Though if anyone really needed to know, I might admit to knowing said dude ....
  • Neil Young - Old Man ..... I've reached a point where I need to hear this at least once a week. The song never grows old.
  • Neil Young - Heart of Gold .... See above.
  • Pedro the Lion - Bad Diary Days
  • The Church - Under the Milky Way ..... One of the last vinyl records I bought before the transition to compact discs before the full circle and triumphant return to vinyl.
  • Crosby, Stills & Nash - Helplessly Hoping ..... When I sing along at home I think that I add a needed fourth harmony to their three part perfection. Not sure that CSN would see things quite the same.
  • Steely Dan - FM (No Static At All) ..... Nothing reminds of high school days quite like Steely Dan.
  • Grand Funk Railroad - I'm Your Captain ..... Read a great story about this song. A guy returning home after five years overseas in the army. No money. No advance word to his family that he was on the way and worried that it had been so long that no one would recognize him when he arrived home. He managed to hitch a ride with a guy who was playing this song on the car stereo. When he arrived at home, everyone went wild!!
  • Donovan - Atlantis ..... I have memories of hearing this in the 7th or 8th grade on a tiny record player in Catholic school. Maybe the nuns of those days believed in the existence of Atlantis? 
  • Chicago - 25 or 6 to 4 / Saturday In the Park

Friends and Neighbors

Listening to a KLCC-fm (Eugene, Oregon) radio broadcast of their "Friends and Neighbors" program. Actually a podcast of a past program. Mostly singer/songwriter and folk music sounds. When I remember the day and times, I try to tune in for this program and their "Front Porch" program. Podcasts make it all convenient. It's nice to have a few music programs remaining on the radio.

There's also a program called, "The Mist Covered Mountain" that has Celtic Music themes. Years ago I used to record selected parts of it from reel-to-reel tape onto cassette tapes. Still have those cassettes in a shoe box in my closet.

Billie Holiday

This was last evening's listening experience. A pleasure. Billie Holiday ..... Not something that I would have listened to as recently as ten years ago. Fortunately I've since managed to evolve beyond an apparent state of clueless. Jazz vocals from the 1940's and 50's.  A compilation of recordings. One of the greatest voices in history. Some of the songs were recorded on 78's and sound a bit scratchy but that only adds to the ambiance.

The great Jazz bassist, Charles Mingus is playing on some of the tunes.

I found the compact disc earlier in the day at the public library's annual book sale. Fifty cents for great music!! A bargain!! Note that her first name was spelled incorrectly on the album cover.

Pretzel Logic

  Found a nice copy of this record a few days ago in the local used bookstore ..... Yes, bookstore. They've started dealing in used viny...