Friday, December 25, 2015

Late Night Playlist

iPod on shuffle play and with headphones on, late night / early morning playlist.
  • Colin Linden - Power On
  • Delta Moon - Clear Blue Frame
  • Levon Helm & The RCO All Stars - Blues So Bad
  • Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers - No More .... So many radio hits!! Sometimes the other album tracks don't get heard like they should.
  • Pierce Pettis - All In Good Time .... Sometimes you find yourself joining in with the backing vocalists. 
  • Tom Waits - Introduction to Better Off Without a Wife .... Hillarious Waits!! "Well usually about two thirty in the morning you've ended up taking advantage of yourself." 
  • The Emmitt / Nershi Band - Love Is Like a Train .... Newgrass with some enjoyable toe-tapping jamming.
  • The Ozark Mountain Daredevils - Jackie Blue .... Memories of 70's radio. The chorus reminds of Todd Rundgren.
  • Stephen Stills - Isn't It About Time
  • Nick 13 - Carry My Body Down .... Has a traveling through a endless western desert feel to it.
  • Dave Matthews - Gravedigger
  • JJ Grey & Mofro - Orange Blossoms

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Time Fades Away

Live Neil Young. A record from my youth that I've always loved. I scratched the hell out of my original 1973 copy. Didn't always properly care for things in those days. I've been looking for a clean copy for many years. It's out of print and difficult to find. I was going through the "recent arrival" bins at my local record store today and there it was. Almost glossed right by it as I never expect to see it. Turns out it's one of two copies that the store owner had in his personal home collection. He said that he had the need to make space for recent and future vinyl recordings so came to what must have been a tough decision to part with one of the records. I should have inquired what else he had parted with? It must have been a good day timing-wise for me as I don't think it would have been there in the bins for too long. Probably any true diehard Neil Young fan would be aware that this is a rarity and snatch it up had they spotted it. I know that there's plenty of those sorts wandering around Oregon.

It's been noted that supposedly Neil Young hates this album, which is why it's never been released on compact disc. I hope Neil doesn't mind that I love the record.

So what do I do now with my own original copy? Throw it out? I don't think so. It has sentimental value. And who knows, maybe someday someone will be able to restore it to pristine condition.

Friday, December 18, 2015

Insane Record Collectors (Like I)

Insane Record Collections and the People Who Own Them

And people think that I'm crazy. My personal vinyl collection pales in comparison to those in the article. It's been close to 45 years now that I've been collecting. Not that I ever remotely suspected all those years ago, that my first purchased records would turn into my current level of insanity. The anticipation for each record search and discovery has not lessened in the least. In fact, I think that I'll go tomorrow! There's gotta be something cool that I missed the last fifty trips.

Pretzel Logic

  Found a nice copy of this record a few days ago in the local used bookstore ..... Yes, bookstore. They've started dealing in used viny...