Monday, October 19, 2015

Tom Rush - Classic Rush

So many great songs from long ago. The Circle Game .... Urge For Going .... No Regrets .... Joshua Gone Barbados. It's where I first heard Jackson Browne's song: Shadow Dream Song. You can honestly say that they don't make records like this anymore. And a great voice!!

Bought my first Tom Rush record in the mid-1970's. Took a chance as I recall. I had gone into Rising Sun Records searching for John Stewart's, Wingless Angels album and picked up Tom Rush's, Ladies Love Outlaws record as well. I had no idea at the time who he was. It just looked interesting. That's my memory anyway. It may not be entirely accurate.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

The Nurturer

Contemporary Jazz (1990) with tradition in mind from pianist, Geri Allen and bandmates. A fifty cent find at the Salem Public Library's, Friends Store annual book sale. Occasionally you find a treasure or two at these crowded events. The compact discs set out for sale were overwhelmingly recordings for children but hidden among all the kids titles was this recording.

Also found ..... Evolver by The Mammals. Their first studio album. An Americana-Folk sound.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Learning To Dance

My introduction to Jack Tempchin was way back in the early 1970's. The songwriter of the song that The Eagles made famous, "Peaceful Easy Feeling." The song that I personally identify with discovering FM radio. Forty-plus years later and he has a new album. (I'm assuming that there were a few in between but he never became a huge name.)

Causes me to wonder how many singer/songwriters over the years, never had the big break that put them out there for greater exposure and more listeners? How many songs worthy of an ear, never were heard beyond a small circle of friends? I suppose that's why I keep looking for more music. Why I keep flipping through those racks of records and compact discs. The seemingly insatiable hope that I'll find something new or older .... but still enjoyable to give a listen to.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Weekend Record Store Finds

Found yesterday in the record store. Working on filling out my Tom Waits collection.

Read a review calling this album "the great lost Waits masterpiece."

Found on vinyl. Elliott Smith's, "Either/Or" album.

He's not from my generation but there's a local Portland connection. His songs have some quirky turns in them .... to my ears anyway, but still someone that I enjoy listening to.

Pretzel Logic

  Found a nice copy of this record a few days ago in the local used bookstore ..... Yes, bookstore. They've started dealing in used viny...