Friday, August 28, 2015

Random Late Night Playlist

Because late night is the best time to listen to music ..... though occasionally I'd argue for early morning. Oh and there are days now and then when it's definitely afternoon. And the other day it was early evening. Oh what the hell! Anytime is the best time!
  • The Feelies - Invitation
  • Tom Freund - October Girl
  • Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers - Something Big
  • Anthony John Clarke - But Then I'm Irish
  • Bon Iver - Skinny Love .... Reminding me of something or someplace that I can't quite identify.
  • Van Morrison - Wonderful Remark .... Seems like one of those songs that should be playing at the end of a movie while the credits roll across the screen. Turns out it is. It's on, The King of Comedy.
  • Wheat - Slow Fade
  • Van Morrison - Cleaning Windows .... Guess the iPod wanted one more from Van. A favorite song with the ex-wife, wherever she is tonight.
  • Peter Gabriel - Listening Wind
  • Pete Townshend - Crashing by Design
  • Golden Smog - V

Monday, August 17, 2015

The Joshua Tree

It's difficult to realize that this album is almost thirty years old.

How did U2 come up with the ideas for this collection of songs? There's not a single song that could be thought of as just existing in order to fill space on the record. When finished, did they pause and wonder how they could ever match this effort?

As recalled, there was a huge build up leading up to its release in 1987. It seemed to be considered a masterpiece before it was released. You don't see that any more where the release of a record was a major event. A significant moment or landmark in cultural history. That's how I remember this record. It's differfent today and I'm not sure why. Maybe it's what I used to wonder about .... that you would reach a point in time where with a finite number of musical notes available to be used in the writing of songs, that eventually songwriters would run out of combinations of those notes to leep music truly evolving and original

I intially fell in love with side one of the record and rarely listened to side two. Maybe it was due to it being the height of the music video age on television and the anointed radio hits of the day were all on side one. It was years later before I truly listened to and discovered the beauty of side two. It's just as strong as the first side if not moreso.

Friday, August 14, 2015

Heart of the Heartland

I've laid in bed over several late evenings, with the Ken Burns, Lewis & Clark documentary in the DVD player, playing the portion of the film containing this song over and over until eventually drifting off to sleep. Not one that I can just play one time and move on to the next song. It stays with me!!

Another great one from that film, the song; "Done for Prosperity."

Thursday, August 13, 2015


Just another random playlist inspired by another crazy evening at work .... well maybe not inspired by but just what I've ended up listening to upon returning home.

  • Martin Sexton - Give It Up
  • World Party - What Does It Mean Now?
  • Karen Matheson - Waiting For The World to Turn .... Nothing quite like getting your extremly sore toe set free from the restraints of the shoe and sock and into the TLC of your comfy plush slippers. 
  • Dry Branch Fire Squad - Red Rocking Chair .... About now I could greatly use a red rocking chair and a little banjo accompanyment to help unwind from the loud and hectic pace of work. 
  • Roy Rogers - Feel My Care
  • Jackopierce - Finest Hour .... The finest hour of the day has always been that first hour after leaving work.
  • Derek and the Dominos - Layla
  • Neil Young - Journey Through the Past
  • Jackson Browne - Sky Blue and Black ..... "And I'd have fought the world for you, if I thought that you wanted me to ..... "
  • Lyle Lovett - I've Had Enough
  • Willard Grant Conspiracy - Lady Of the Snowline

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Hiss Golden Messenger

The latest in my continuing and lifelong journey of discovery and music listening evolution. Gotta find something fresh and new consitently. I tend to get caught thinking that there is no new original music of quality being made these days. Always exciting to be proven wrong and discover new sounds for my old ears!!

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

I've Got Those, Don't Want To Go To Work Today Blues ..... Playlist

Random iPod playlist:
  • Sonny Terry - She's So Sweet
  • The Rounders - How Can You Love Me When My Skin is Rough
  • Dive Index - Agatha
  • Rosanne Cash - Last Stop Before Home
  • The Soggy Bottom Boys - I Am a Man of Constant Sorrow
  • Yo La Tengo - Song For Mahila
  • Modest Mouse - Missed the Boat
  • John Gorka - When You Sing
  • Thrillbilly - Bonita
  • Shawn Mullins - Shimmer 
  • Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band - Badlands
  • Pete Townshend - Secondhand Love
  • Tyler Bryant & The Shakedown - Shackles

Pretzel Logic

  Found a nice copy of this record a few days ago in the local used bookstore ..... Yes, bookstore. They've started dealing in used viny...